1.关于let’s encrypt和acme.sh的简介

1.1 let’s encrypt

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Let’s Encrypt是一个于2015年三季度推出的数字证书认证机构,旨在以自动化流程消除手动创建和安装证书的复杂流程,并推广使万维网服务器的加密连接无所不在,为安全网站提供免费的SSL/TLS证书。
Let’s Encrypt由互联网安全研究小组(缩写ISRG)提供服务。主要赞助商包括电子前哨基金会、Mozilla基金会、Akamai以及思科。2015年4月9日,ISRG与Linux基金会宣布合作。
Let’s Encrypt宣称这一过程将十分简单、自动化并且免费


I’m having issues with uninstalling the VMware Converter Standalone agent keeps generating the following error: Could Not Stop Service When I check services, i’m unable to locate the VMWare Converter Standalone Agent service which i’m assuming requires the service to run before uninstallation. I have several times of creating the service but to no avail I keep getting the same error. I followed the following thread in order to create the service: communities.vmware.com/thread/605585 K

  • 管理员方式运行CMD
sc create vmware-converter-server binPath= .
sc create vmware-converter-worker binPath= .
sc create vmware-converter-agent binPath= .